NYSFRW March 2024 Newsletter


From the desk of Trisha Turner, NYSFRW President

Welcome to our March 2024 Newsletter! Petitions are now in circulation. Thank you for all who are passing petitions to support our candidates.

Another important update includes the Governor signing the new Congressional map into law. The NYS GOP Chair, Ed Cox, said the ..." GOP victory in the Harkenrider case led to fair lines.....these lines are not materially different from those drawn by the special master. As such, there is no need for further litigation."

Please follow the news on this to see how the decision on redistricting will affect where your Congressional candidate will serve.

Please mark your calendars for the upcoming NYSRW Conference scheduled for May 5 - 6 at the Desmond Hotel in Albany. The registration link ( is live and more information is provided in this newsletter.

Also, we have listed important dates in this newsletter and news from our Clubs. Thank you to all who serve every day to advance our Republican values and principles.

For Liberty,

Trisha Turner, NYSFRW President


Bank Your Vote!

Even good intentions can go awry -- voters may not make it to the polls! It may be because of sickness, schedule conflicts, transportation issues, etc. And, it's true, elections can be lost by that ONE vote that was not cast.

"Bank Your Vote" is a nationwide Republican initiative to ensure your vote is cast and counted. Please check the above noted websites to learn more about this national focus to ensure every vote is cast for our candidates!

2024 NYS Presidential Primary Election - April 2, 2024

Registered voters enrolled in either the Democratic or Republican parties will elect their party's candidate for President of the United States on April 2, 2024.

Early By Mail or by Absentee: All registered Democratic and Republican party voters may vote Early By Mail by submitting an application or applying on line.

By Absentee: If you are away, ill or unable to vote in person due to disability, you may apply for an absentee ballot. 

Please check with your Board of Elections to apply online or to send in an application form for early mail or absentee voting. Applications are due by March 23, 2024.

Help Us Help Our Candidates:

Petitions are being passed!! Check with your local Republican Committee to see how you can help pass petitions for your candidates!

Key Dates!

April 2, 2024. NYS Presidential Primary Election. Check with your local Board of Elections for application forms and pertinent deadlines.

June 25, 2024: New York State Primary for federal, state, and local candidates. Check with your local Board of Elections for where to vote.

July 15-18, 2024: Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, from July 15-18, 2024, to formally select the Republican next presidential nominee.

November 5, 2024: The General Election. Check with your local Board of Elections for where to vote.

May the road rise up to meet you.

May the wind be always at your back.

May the sun shine warm upon your face;

the rains fall soft upon your fields and,

until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand. ~Irish Blessing

Register now for this year's NYSFRW Annual Conference and Dinner Gala!

This is a chance to meet your legislators, our featured speakers and to network with women colleagues from across the state!

Also, you may nominate someone in the following categories with the awards presented at our May Conference.

Caring for America

Millenium Scholarship Award

Nominations are due April 1 and forms are available on our website.

This will be an amazing year as we gather to ensure victory in all of our races! Please don't miss this incredible opportunity to be at the forefront of women making a difference!

Visit to register for the Conference and Dinner Gala (inclusive) or the Dinner Gala only.

NYSGOP Press Release dated 2/22/24 regarding Senate candidate Mike Sapraicone:

New York Republicans Designate Mike Sapraicone to Run for U.S. Senate

BINGHAMTON – At the 2024 New York State Republican Party Convention on February 22, 2024, Mike Sapraicone was designated by weighted vote to be the party’s candidate to run for the U.S. Senate against junior Senator Kirsten Gillibrand. Sapraicone received 85% of the votes from state committee members.

“I am truly honored to be nominated by the New York Republican Party to run for U.S. Senate,” said Mike Sapraicone. “I look forward to working with Republicans across New York — and thank them for putting their faith in me. I am ready to hit the ground running and continue meeting with New York voters.”

Mike Sapraicone is a retired New York Police Department Detective, community volunteer, small business founder, and nationally-recognized security expert.

Republican National Committee Chair Steps Down

Republican National Committee Chair Ronna McDaniel will leave her post on March 8. She announced her decision saying, "I have decided to step aside at our Spring Training on March 8 in Houston to allow our nominee to select a Chair of their choosing,” McDaniel said in the statement. “The RNC has historically undergone change once we have a nominee and it has always been my intention to honor that tradition.”

It is anticipated that Michael Whatley, current North Carolina GOP chair, will serve as RNC Chair with Lara Trump as co-chair.


A great time was had by all who attended the Women's Republican Club of Fulton County (WRCFC) "Cabin Fever" event. The event was to raise funds for the WRCRC Scholorship Fund!

Schenectady County Women’s Republican Club held its 2nd annual Valentine's Day Mixer welcoming Assemblywoman Mary Beth Walsh who spoke about a Women’s Pac called "Women on the Rise" to support Republican women candidates. Senator Jim Tedisco gave an update on State matters. In attendance were Joe Pinion, former Senate candidate, and NYSFRW President Trisha Turner. NYSFRW Officer and Regional 4 Director, Heather Scribner, spoke about the upcoming NYSFRW conference on April 30 - May 1.

The Federated Republican Women of Dutchess County was proud to support their candidates at the recent Dutchess County Republican Convention! Pictures below!

Thank you to Congresswoman Claudia Tenney who was the keynote speaker for the Young Professional Republican Women’s Club, a new member of the New York State Federation of Repubican Women! Like and follow them on Facebook.

The Adirondack Repubican Women's Club of Warren County is holding a membership event on March 12, 2024. See the invitation below.

What a great opportunity!! Check out the Facebook page for the Monroe County Federated Republican Women who is celebrating female Veterans through MCFRW's first ever "Prep for Success" event. They are supporting two female veterans with employment seeking essentials. The MCFRW is seeking nominations. 100% of the donations will go deserving female veterans!

The Ontario County Women’s Republican Club held its Membership and Kick-Off Meeting with Congresswoman Claudia Tenney as the keynote speaker. OCWRC thanks Congresswoman Tenney, Jean Chrisman, Ontario County Clerk, and candidates, Andrea Bailey for NYS Assembly 133, and the 7th JD Supreme Court candidates, Judge Stacey Romeo and Ed White for speaking at the event.

An opportunity for your voice to be heard - Legislative Day 2024, March 12, 2024.


Republican Leaders assemble from the 23rd Congressional District to select representatives for the 2024 RNC Convention.


Press Release Chairman Mark Heberling announces the following candidate endorsements.